Tuesday, February 14, 2006

When the moon hits your eye

Sometime back in the third century in Rome some poor schmuck name St. Valentine got himself good and martyed. He never married and thus got no lovin' himself (he was, after all, a Saint), so on this holy day people everywhere commemorate him by dedicating some good ole lovin' to him.

I too am partaking in this special day's celebration by spending this evening with my love. Bowling and beer. I felt it was my Christian duty to do so in honor of a much revered Saint. Also, Tuesday just happens to be my bowling night and its not like I got any other plans.

This will actually be good, because its very likely my team will clean up today since most everyone else will be too busy...doing other things...to come bowl. But my team consists of David (whose girlfriend is inconveniently located in Louisiana), 2 recent divorcees, a 28 year old single girl, and me. That means no one on my team has anywhere else to be. Score.


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