Friday, February 03, 2006

"Sex is like bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.” - Mae West

I realize that you all must have had a hard time sleeping last night due to the overwhelming anticapation about hearing how my date went. I am not so cruel as to subject you to another sleepless night. It went ok. I showed up about 5 mins early and checked inside the Starbuck's to see if she was already inside waiting for me. She was not. I must admit, I had a slight clue what she looked like due to some "research" I did the night before ("research" sounds so much better than "Google stalking," doesn't it?). I actually didnt find much about her. She shares her name with a NCAA All-American softball player who is apparently very good. Pitched a couple no-hitters. I eventually did find a picture of her on a "these are our new students" page of the school where she is pursuing her master's degree. It wasn't a very high-res photo, but it gave me a good idea. There was no one who fit the picture, except maybe one woman who perhaps could have if she had dyed her hair and you kind of squinted, but she didnt so much as glance at me (a common reaction). I sat outside to wait.

At 10 mins after we were supposed to meet, I checked back inside to make sure I just didn't miss her. There was a young blonde woman who was sitting at a table who wasn't there last time I checked. She looked up at me and said hello as I walked in. Great. Maybe she was in the bathroom or something when I checked last time and I just blew the last 15 mins. She didnt particularly look like the picture, but like I said it wasnt a great photo. I am preparing myself to feel stupid as I go up to ask her if she was Leigh Ann. She looked confused and then said no. This is when I notice the green apron sitting next to her on the table and I realize she is an employee taking a break. After explaining my situation and apologize for bothering her, I head back outiside to wait again and begin wondering how long I wait before I go home.

I only have to wait a minute before she arrives. We introduce ourselves and she apologizes for being late. As we enter the smiling employee behind the counter greets us saying "so you must be Leigh Ann."

The rest of the date, as I said, went ok. She was pretty easy to talk to, even if we only ever entered into superficial topics (So how long have you lived in Texas? Wow, it must have been tough moving out here not really knowing anyone. etc.). She was certainly pretty. I can't really say there was a click though. I liked her well enough and there were no negatives. My assesment was that it would be worth going out again to see if anything could come of it. My sense of her opinion of me was that, again, she liked me well enough and had a good time but I didn't think she was overly excited about me.

Well I sent her an email this morning at work (email is the way we have been comunicating all along) telling her that it had been a pleasure meeting her and would be up for doing something similar again sometime if she were interested. The response (and translation) she sent me was thus:

"Yes, it is always fun meeting new people (thus this was nothing special). I will be sure to invite you if there is ever anything going on where you can meet some more people (and go be with them instead of me). "

I wasn't really all that surprised. Like I said, while she seemed to have a decent time she didnt appear especially excited. I am a couple years younger than her and girls always want older men. And while I would have given it another go, I can't really say (in keeping with my last post) that she was really an 'a' or an 'A'. Probably some where in between. Like an ä or something. But I am not really sure if Dr. Punnett considered the umlaut when making his squares.

On the plus side that Starbucks employee now knows me. She recognized me and asked me how it went when I stopped in today to get a cup of coffee and read a book for a bit after work. Maybe I can work that.


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