License to be a pussy

In my last post I mentioned some changes that are taking place in the world of James Bond. The reigns of portraying Bond have been passed to British Actor Daniel Craig for the next film Casino Royal. Putting Craig's blonde hair color aside, there will of course be the question of whether or not this Limey is man enough to portray the manliest Limey of them all. Craig faces the insurmountable challenge of the automatic comparison to the first actor to take on the role, Sean Connery himself (who makes Chuck Norris look like girly-girl). Criag will hope to repeat the success of the most recent Bond, Pierce Brosnan, in not being a pathetic comparison to Connery, a feat that past Bond's like George Lazenby failed at miserably (don't laugh too hard Timothy Dalton, you weren't much better).
So how will Craig fair? Unfortunately there will be no way to tell for sure until the movie is released (November 2006). But while I was browsing Google News today, I found this alarming article:
Apparently Craig was attempting to do some of his own stunts, a noble pursuit in being man enough. But unfortunately Craig got dropped like a Freshman English class when filming a fight scene. Two of his teeth were knocked out of his bloody mouth (and I mean 'bloody' in both the literal and British curse-word sense) and he had to be rushed to a Dentist. This does not bode well for the wanna-be 007. Bond's drinks are supposed to be shaken, not Bond himself. If Connery were still portraying the super-spy, the other actor would have broken his fist upon Bond's teeth. Connery would then have gazed upon the other actor's brutally mangled hand, flashed his (still) perfect teeth in a smile, and said something on the order of "tough break" or "do you need a hand?"
Craig choose the slightly less manly response of reeling backward and bleeding profusely.
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