My Pad
Allright, time to give you all a taste into my new lifestyle. Given the low (read: dirt cheap) cost of living in Texas, at least compared to Boston, I was able to get a nice place that satisfies the type of lifestyle to which I plan to become accustomed. I have a two bedroom (one to be used as an office / guestroom), two bathroom apartment in an unbelievable apartment community. Ammenities include gated access, two resort style pools, a very large fitness center, and a beautiful creek that runs down the center of the community and is surrounded by a jogging trail. I also have my own washer / dryer so no annoying trips to the laundramat. The location is just about perfect. It's only about 10 mins from the airport, but is not in the flightpath so I dont have to deal with any planes being noisy overhead. It is located only 2.9 miles from my office and does not require me to get on any major roads, so the commute is a breeze. I am surrounded by restaruants, movie theaters, and shopping centers. The whole thing is very bling and has been painsakingly engineered to imediately impress any beautiful woman who enters it and make her want to just throw her clothes right off. Or at least not totally disgust her. I think its a victory either way. Anyway here are some picutures (warning: if you are a female in a public place, make sure to keep a close reign on all your clothing. If you feel an unwelcomed urge to remove them, then look away from the screen for a few seconds before continuing to gaze longingly at my awesome pad).
This is the first view of my living room. On the left there you can see my new 56 gallon fish tank, which I am in the process of setting up. I am planning to buy some discus fish, which are a species of very beautiful but delicate freshwater fish, to go in there. On the right is my new 30" HD television from LG. I got it hooked up to digital cable with DVR, so I'm happy. Those blinds are covering up a sliding glass door that leads out to my balcony. You can see my coffee table too, but the next angle is better if you want to look at that.
This picture is still in my living room, just looking at the other wall. The coffee table and end tables belonged to my parents, and they had them in their first apartment before I was born. They also gave my that nifty couch. I need to find a poster or something to hang above it though. I also probably need a recliner or something for some more seating.
Here is my dining room. I was really the big winner on this one. About a week before I moved my parents got a new dining room table from my uncle, who was getting rid of his because he was selling his house. So my parents suddenly had two dining room tables, but only one dining room, so I'm the big winnner. If you look closely, I classed it up a bit by adding the Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) as a centerpiece. I think I did a good job matching it with the chrome trivets. The dining room then themeatically became a good place to hang my Next-Gen character pencil drawing print that my cousins gave me as a Christmas gift several years ago.
This is a view into my fridge, to see what I am sustaining my life on. Prominately visible is the Heiniken, Guiness, and lots of sodas (they were on sale). Now before I get any crap for the Heini's, I want to say that I haven't found a good place to buy beer yet. They sell it in the grocery stores, but after checking out three different ones I could not find any that sold Bass, my beer of choice. I figured the Heinekens were at least better than Bud or whatever other American crap I could have gotten (no more Sam Summer... sadness) and will suffice until I find a better place. I also point out the Guiness in my defense. I havent tried cooking too much yet, but my two attempts at it so far have only resulted in the smoke detector going off once. The way I see it, if I were a baseball player I would be very rich if I can succeed 50% of the time.
Well, I dont really feel like going around and taking more pictures, so I will leave you in suspense about what the rest of it looks like. If the suspense is too much, you can alleviate it by coming to visit me and seeing for yourself. In my second bedroom/office I now have a futon that pulls out to a full size bed, so I can even offer a place to crash. To further entice you, I shall leave you with one last picture, the view from my balcony.

Well, I dont really feel like going around and taking more pictures, so I will leave you in suspense about what the rest of it looks like. If the suspense is too much, you can alleviate it by coming to visit me and seeing for yourself. In my second bedroom/office I now have a futon that pulls out to a full size bed, so I can even offer a place to crash. To further entice you, I shall leave you with one last picture, the view from my balcony.