How did the cookie know?

Ok, so as many of you have already noticed from the Facebook news feed, I am now in a relationship. And let me just say, what the hell do you people do, sit around with a bowl of popcorn and watch it like a news ticker? I mean really. I briefly considered removing the "Interested in: women" line from my profile since I have now found one, but then I shuddered thinking about the sort of responses I'd get once "Andrew is no longer interested in women" hit the newswire. But yes, with the acquisition of a hot girlfriend operation "Don’t Be A Pathetic Loser" is officially accomplished (I do realize that, as with most accomplished missions, I will be spending the foreseeable future fighting in a losing battle on that front). I'd hang a banner if I had one. Oh, and that really is the fortune I got in my cookie for last Thursdays Chinese dinner. Freaky huh.
Her name is Lindsey and she is a 21 year old alumna of Texas Tech. She is a native Texan, speaks with a drawl, has big hair, wears a cute little pink cowgirl hat that matches her boots, and has promised to teach me how to rope a steer. Ok, not really, but she is a native Texan and I fully expect her to grudgingly admit that she can rope a steer after she reads this. And yes, she knows about and reads this blog, which explains (along with the fact that I'm lazy) why I haven't posted anything in the past month. I inevitably would have ended up writing about her, and I wasn't quite sure I wanted to tip my hand. I also didn't want to freak her out and chase her off by an (albeit favorable) analysis of our developing relationship through the use of the Punnett square (totally 'ab' by the way). But now I feel that if she is going to be sticking around for a while (and I plan to hold on to her for as long as I can keep her from realizing that she's too good for me) it's safe, and she is going to find out about me and my nerdly ways anyway. She has already seen the Enterprise centerpiece on my table, the Next Generation cast picture on my wall, and even said that she thought the "Nerds Get Chicks" magnet on my fridge was cute. Even if she was just being polite I at least didn't get a "back away slowly" (or run away screaming) response, which is really as good as I could ever hope for, so I'm happy. But seriously, she's smart (graduated top of her class at Tech in only 3 years), has a good sense of humor (or a bad one...she thinks my jokes are funny), beautiful (see picture…this one's self explanatory), and we have a great time together. Pretty good combo.

The other major event that has happened in my life recently is that last week I celebrated the one year anniversary of my employment at Bell Helicopter. I received a promotion, and I have finally cast aside of the diminutive "Associate" from the front of my title and am now just plain old "Engineer." I'd like to thank the academy. It is nice to know that from now on and adjectives that may potentially get attached to my title (like "Senior" or "Principle") will be uplifting instead of degrading.
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