Feliz Cinco De Mayo

While there are many cultures in which I have no affiliation, I will gladly embrace their heritage on any holiday that is an excuse to drink. So much like my affinity for the Irish on St. Patty's Day, it is with a warm heart (and a slightly dulled mind) that I shout "Viva Mexico!" on this 5th of May, the 144th anniversary of the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. And while it may seem odd that anyone could be so proud of defeating the French in a military conflict (see this), such doubts are quickly swept aside after a few Coronas, Dos Equis, Margaritas, Tequila shots, or whatever your favorite means of inebriation south of the border happens to be (I do have to apologize for the "Light" part of my Corona. Who would have thought that the grocery store would run out of Corona Extra this time of year?).
And if kicking some French ass isn't enough for you, well there happens to be another reason to celebrate this year. A big announcement was made yesterday by the man who brought you Howard the Duck. The original Star Wars movies will be released on DVD (see this article) . Yes, I mean the original original Star Wars movies, sans all the gay special addition crap. You will be able to purchase them starting in September, but in an attempt to retain at least some of his gayness Lucas will pull them after only 3 months. But all those loyal fans who had the original trilogy on VHS, purchased the special addition when they came out, and upgraded technologies to the DVD version of the special addition, will now have the opportunity to buy the same movies a 4th time. Maybe even a fifth if you were really hardcore and had them on LaserDisc.
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