Turn, Turn, Turn
In previous posts I have labored valiantly to show many times for many purposes. On occasion I have made follow up posts to demonstrate the turning of the metaphorical seasons, or in the case of the Welch's corporation to demonstrate the eternal winter of their overwhelming greed. But the point of this post is not to bitch about Welch's again (bastards), but to demonstrate a few seasons that do change. I have already shown you a few times in which I have sown, so now it is only fair to show you times in which I get to reap.
Several weeks ago I had a culminating achievement of sport, bowling a 200 game. At the time I made the reasonable assumption that when word got out of my manly achievement beautiful women everywhere would throw themselves at me. Unfortunately, it seems that those beautiful women must have put me on a pedestal or something and were too overwhelmed and intimidated to approach and give themselves to me. But fear not, such accomplishments do not go unrewarded. Behold!

I got a keychain from the United States Bowling Congress. Pretty cool, huh? It's no horde of beautiful women, but its more portable. That's something.
My other harvest is of course my beer. The bottles have conditioned long enough and the beer is ready to drink. Here I am in my apartment enjoying the fruits of my labor.

It came out pretty well. I've had much worse (ever hear of PBR...*shudder*). So now that when I start to feel a little depressed about only getting a stupid keychain I can drown my sorrow with a homebrew instead of some corporate swill (why is it that drinking is the only vice you're supposed to only do with company when all the others are preferably done in private?). I have already purchased the supplies for my next batch and am anxiously, uh, emptying out the bottles of my current batch so that they will be ready for the next one.
Several weeks ago I had a culminating achievement of sport, bowling a 200 game. At the time I made the reasonable assumption that when word got out of my manly achievement beautiful women everywhere would throw themselves at me. Unfortunately, it seems that those beautiful women must have put me on a pedestal or something and were too overwhelmed and intimidated to approach and give themselves to me. But fear not, such accomplishments do not go unrewarded. Behold!

I got a keychain from the United States Bowling Congress. Pretty cool, huh? It's no horde of beautiful women, but its more portable. That's something.
My other harvest is of course my beer. The bottles have conditioned long enough and the beer is ready to drink. Here I am in my apartment enjoying the fruits of my labor.

It came out pretty well. I've had much worse (ever hear of PBR...*shudder*). So now that when I start to feel a little depressed about only getting a stupid keychain I can drown my sorrow with a homebrew instead of some corporate swill (why is it that drinking is the only vice you're supposed to only do with company when all the others are preferably done in private?). I have already purchased the supplies for my next batch and am anxiously, uh, emptying out the bottles of my current batch so that they will be ready for the next one.
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