If all the Romans jumped off a bridge...
As I am sure that everyone who would read this knows, throwing heavy objects down a slippery surface with the objective of scoring points as an excuse to drink beer is a very important part of my life. For many years now, I have used bowling as my outlet to satisfy this need. But I am quite pleased that I now have the opportunity to get my fix from a different source. Bowling is just a gateway sport to the harder stuff…curling.
I previously reported my attendance of an open house of the DFW Curling Club with my sister. While there, I put my name on a list of people who would be interested in joining a novice level spring league. It’s going to be 8 weeks long, and each team of 4 will consist of 3 beginning curlers and one experienced club member to act as the skip/captain. Well, this past Sunday was the first organizational meeting/practice of this league. I went, I joined a team, and my first game is this coming Sunday.
Now before I go on, let me explain something. There is a trait that seems to exist in my family that when you go somewhere you should immerse yourself in the culture. For example, my sister pretended to joke that when she moved to Massachusetts that she was going to date a Kennedy. While that did not exactly happen, she did manage to attach herself to the next best thing, namely the grandson of Kennedy’s economic advisor. So far in my life I have not had much opportunity to exhibit this behavior (although I did try to emulate the natives during my high school trip to Rome). Moving to Texas has given me the opportunity to rectify this however. I guess in Texas the analogous situation to finding a Kennedy in Massachusetts would be to find a member of the Bush family. Well much like my sister, I have failed in achieving the optimum objective, but I am proud to report that I have also achieved the next best thing.
So in the grand Texas scheme of things, who would be second to a member of the Bush family? Well, I would think that it would be obvious. Who else could possibly be as revered around here almost as much as a Bush than…(drum roll please)…a nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host. Unfortunately they don’t make female versions of those (who wants to hear a radio program about doing laundry and making sandwiches? ), so romantic involvement is out of the question. But I did manage to get Mark Davis, whose radio show airs nationally on weekdays from 9am-11am on the ABC Radio Network and SIRIUS Satellite Radio, as my curling skip. That’s right, from now on me and Mr. Davis are going to be tight. And his young teenage daughter is going to be on the team (she’s only 13…don’t get any ideas), so I am not only going to get to know him but his family. I’m telling you. We’re tight.
The upcoming curling league could not have come at a better time though since my bowling league is now over. Today was unfortunately my last day of bowling until the league picks up again until September. The season has changed from bowling to curling, but I won’t go into that since I already used the Byrds/Ecclesiastes reference a few weeks ago. Posted below is a picture of my bowling team (in part to justify the $7 I spent on purchasing the team picture).
I accept that fact that you may think that we sacrificed a whole bunch of our Tuesday evenings for whatever joy bowling could bring us. But I think you’re crazy to make me write a blog telling you about us. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions (losers). But, what we found out this past season is that each one of us is: a brain (David. He went to MIT), and an athlete (me…I do both bowling and curling), and a basket case (Steve), a princess (Karen…the only girl), and a criminal (Chuck...possible Russian mafia connections).
Sincerely yours, the Pin Hackers.
I previously reported my attendance of an open house of the DFW Curling Club with my sister. While there, I put my name on a list of people who would be interested in joining a novice level spring league. It’s going to be 8 weeks long, and each team of 4 will consist of 3 beginning curlers and one experienced club member to act as the skip/captain. Well, this past Sunday was the first organizational meeting/practice of this league. I went, I joined a team, and my first game is this coming Sunday.
Now before I go on, let me explain something. There is a trait that seems to exist in my family that when you go somewhere you should immerse yourself in the culture. For example, my sister pretended to joke that when she moved to Massachusetts that she was going to date a Kennedy. While that did not exactly happen, she did manage to attach herself to the next best thing, namely the grandson of Kennedy’s economic advisor. So far in my life I have not had much opportunity to exhibit this behavior (although I did try to emulate the natives during my high school trip to Rome). Moving to Texas has given me the opportunity to rectify this however. I guess in Texas the analogous situation to finding a Kennedy in Massachusetts would be to find a member of the Bush family. Well much like my sister, I have failed in achieving the optimum objective, but I am proud to report that I have also achieved the next best thing.
So in the grand Texas scheme of things, who would be second to a member of the Bush family? Well, I would think that it would be obvious. Who else could possibly be as revered around here almost as much as a Bush than…(drum roll please)…a nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host. Unfortunately they don’t make female versions of those (who wants to hear a radio program about doing laundry and making sandwiches? ), so romantic involvement is out of the question. But I did manage to get Mark Davis, whose radio show airs nationally on weekdays from 9am-11am on the ABC Radio Network and SIRIUS Satellite Radio, as my curling skip. That’s right, from now on me and Mr. Davis are going to be tight. And his young teenage daughter is going to be on the team (she’s only 13…don’t get any ideas), so I am not only going to get to know him but his family. I’m telling you. We’re tight.
The upcoming curling league could not have come at a better time though since my bowling league is now over. Today was unfortunately my last day of bowling until the league picks up again until September. The season has changed from bowling to curling, but I won’t go into that since I already used the Byrds/Ecclesiastes reference a few weeks ago. Posted below is a picture of my bowling team (in part to justify the $7 I spent on purchasing the team picture).

Sincerely yours, the Pin Hackers.
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