Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tough week to be a grandpa

I just left today for a trip to Florida with my family because not one but both of my grandpas are now in the hospital. My dad's father has been having some trouble for the past week or two. We just got a call last night from my aunt saying that it looks like my mom's father had a stroke. It turned out that it was not a stroke, but instead a serious kidney infection that got really bad. He is now in intensive care and it looks like the danger has passed, but they are keeping him in the ICU for the next day or two just to be sure.

This was either good timing or bad timing depending on how you look at it. My family was planning on being on vacation this week, which means we are free to go visit them and my sister has flown down from Boston. It also means though we don't really get to have a vacation. I know what you are thinking..."but Andrew! After having to wake up at noon everyday to play video games you really need the break!" I know, but life is hard sometimes.

It will be a good thing to see both grandfathers. It has been a while. If only the circumstances were a little bit better.


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