Monday, August 01, 2005 this thing on? Anybody? Bueller?

Unlike most young graduates who are eager to face the world, I have as yet not secured my toehole as a productive member of society (read: dont have a job). So after graduating from MIT in the spring, I moved home from Boston for the summer. "Home" is not defined where I spent the first 18 years of my life before I left for college, but as Concord, NC where my parents moved my freshman year. I know that since I don't know anyone in Concord, coupled with the fact that Concord is one hell of an excruciatingly boring place, many people are worried that I will not enjoy my time here. Hopefully these postings will help those people sleep at night. Of course that can be accomplished by either showing that their fears are baseless and they need not worry, or more simply just by just boring them. Either way I shall accomplish my goal.


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